[4]P6 Chinese Natural Gas Industry in Development


[4]P6 Chinese Natural Gas Industry in Development


At present the China natural gas industry has significant development. The accumulated proved gas reserves are 1124.57 G m3, the accumulated proved solution gas reserves are 826.64 G m3 up to 1995.The production of natural gas in China is 16.13 G m3.The approach for developing China's natural gas industry is as follows: - Strengthen exploration Enhance deep formation exploration in old fields in eastern areas in China.Expand exploration in central and western areas such as Shichuan, Shanganning, Qinghai and Xinjiang.Speed up exploitation of Shanganning gas fields and Shichuan gas fields Speed up exploitation of Xingiang condensate field Expand usage of natural gas for residences gradually Apply natural gas for automobile properly Use natural gas for power generation in order to reduce pollution in some areas if conditions allow. - Speed up exploitation - Utilization of natural gas - Develop petrochemical industry and produce fertilizer and methyl alcohol.The tentative plan to develop the China natural gas industry Stabilize crude oil production while speeding up development of natural gas - Insist on the policy of ‘equally emphasizing oil and gas’ - Strengthen regional cooperation In the meantime enhance the exploitation of domestic natural gas, strengthen the cooperation with Middle Asia, Russia and surrounding countries - Establish a natural gas transportation network Make an overall plan of a gas transportation network considering both domestic resource and resource from the surrounding countries. The gas transportation network will be a flexible and reliable system linked to many gas fields and consumers.I NT R O D U CTI O N China is a country that began utilization of natural gas long ago in history. Since 1949, the Chinese natural gas industry has been greatly improved. In addition to Sichuan gas fields, some oil fields, such as Daqing and Shengli, can also produce a large volume of associated gas. Even so, since the natural gas industry of China was established on a weak base, the natural gas is still in the initial stage in energy consumption, and the natural gas development and facility construction often lag behind because of the lack of gathering, transportation and storage facilities which limits the development and utilization of natural gas and the requirement that the gas production must keep pace with the downstream construction. Because all the gas fields discovered so far are not located in or near the gas market, the conditions of gas gathering, transportation and storage have to be considered first sufficiently. The gas fields discovered so far produce both pure gas and condensate, and as a result, light hydrocarbons, in addition to methane, should also be utilized because they can be used not only as high-quality fuel but also as important chemical raw materials.M




Yugeng, Li





“[4]P6 Chinese Natural Gas Industry in Development,” Lamar University Midstream Center Research, accessed May 18, 2024, https://lumc.omeka.net/items/show/22544.

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