New technologies for utilization of associated petroleum gas in mature fields with no transport infrastructure


New technologies for utilization of associated petroleum gas in mature fields with no transport infrastructure


Petroleum industry
Remote sensing
Associated gas
Petroleum transportation
Petroleum analysis
Gas industry
Proven reserves
Hydrocarbon refining
Pipeline processing systems
Gas producers


Fields that are in the late stages of development have low potential and opportunities to solve the accumulated technical and environmental problems due to insufficient profitability of their operation, lack of sources of financing. This fully applies to the fields of the Orenburg region, among the main problems of which should be noted: the growth of the share of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves in low-permeable reservoirs, the share of high-viscosity oil
the low level of utilization of associated petroleum gas. Given the underutilization of gas processing capacities in Orenburg Region, the complex mining and geological conditions of medium-sized oil and gas fields with an undeveloped infrastructure for collecting, preparing and transporting hydrocarbons, utilization of associated gas is becoming an increasingly urgent task. In this regard, the purpose of this work was to develop an innovative solution to the problem of the useful use of associated petroleum gas produced by Orenburg subsoil users. Recently, taking into account the sharp deterioration of the conditions for the production and processing of hydrocarbons, this direction is considered as not only an economic, but also an environmental priority for future development. However, the organization of APG collection and processing according to traditional schemes is an expensive and time-consuming procedure, so the article presents a new technology for utilization of associated petroleum gas for fields in the South-West of the Orenburg region with an undeveloped infrastructure. The proposed technology allows with minimal investment to ensure: a high level of APG utilization
rapid integration into the existing technological system without making significant changes to it
maximum greening of the technological process. The methodological basis of the research is based on the works of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of associated petroleum gas utilization
corporate standards
norms and documents regulating this area of activity: methods of analysis, geological and technical modeling, assessment of environmental and economic efficiency of investment projects. As a result of the work, options for solving the problem were formulated and ranked according to indicators of environmental and economic efficiency, and the technically feasible and most effective project was determined. This is a project of construction of gas pipeline from fields in the South-West to Orenburg gas processing plant subject to prior arrangement of the collection points and flares flow meters, as well as separation in the production of oil and gas APG and stable condensate. When investing in the project 649 million rubles payback period will be half of the normative life of the pipeline and ensure by 2030 the growth rate of APG utilization in the region by 22%, labour productivity in mining and processing of raw materials - 4.4 times, processing volume 15 billion m3. The implementation of the project activities will also allow to increase the production of gas products with high added value. The proposed technology can be replicated in fields in other regions with similar conditions. 2020 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference. All rights reserved.


20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference: Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation, SGEM 2020, August 18, 2020 - August 24, 2020




Novikova, Anna
Eremenko, Olga
Vashuk, Irina
Kuryakova, Tatiana







“New technologies for utilization of associated petroleum gas in mature fields with no transport infrastructure,” Lamar University Midstream Center Research, accessed May 18, 2024,

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